Friday, June 17, 2011

The Night Bus by Anthony Horowitz

The Night Bus is a very scary and mysterious book. It’s written by Anthony Horowitz. The Night Bus was published in 2002 and the text was written by Anthony Horowitz at 1999. This book has three different chapters having different stories, but they are all scary. There are the night bus, the hitchhiker and the man with the Yellow face. This book only has 79 pages in total and text is quite small. The pace is fast. So this horror book, which is fiction is not very long, but has lots of events. The night bus is mostly about Nick and his brother Jeremy going to their cousin’s party on the 31st of October (Halloween). Lots of scary things happen…….

The story is that Nick Hancock and Jeremy Hancock are going to their cousin’s party and his father rarely agrees to let the brothers go to other people’s party. But this time, because it’s their cousin’s, John Hancock (the father) agreed to let them go but they had to be back by . When they left the party it was already five to twelve and Nick dressed as the devil, and Jeremy as Count Dracula. They Were feeling very small and stupid as they walked together through
Trafalgar Square
in the heart of London. Then they saw a Night bus, so they decided to go towards the bus and there were no passengers, no driver and no conductor. After a while, when Nick looked at his watch and saw the time tick from to   “the lights came on, the engine rumbled, the bell rang and the bus lurched forward. The conductor, dressed in a crumpled grey uniform that looked at least 10 years out of date”. Then, scary things happened………….

The Night Bus is a very good novel with a few believable characters and plot that keeps the reader’s interest. Sometimes you will get kind of scared, but the scariness that this novel gives you is very fun. It still compels you to read on and see what happens next. I think that there is also a message that this novel wants to tell us. The message is children shouldn’t be outside when it’s late . This book is suitable for all ages, even old people can read it!!


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