The Thief Lord tells the story of a group of kids on the streets of Venice, supported by a boy named Scipio, who calls himself The Thief Lord. Scipio provides all they need by stealing from the wealthy houses of Venice. As the story begins two young boys, Prosper and Bo join the group after running away from their aunt and uncle. A detective, Victor Getz, has been hired by their aunt and uncle to find the boys so they can adopt Bo.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Thief Lord
The Thief Lord tells the story of a group of kids on the streets of Venice, supported by a boy named Scipio, who calls himself The Thief Lord. Scipio provides all they need by stealing from the wealthy houses of Venice. As the story begins two young boys, Prosper and Bo join the group after running away from their aunt and uncle. A detective, Victor Getz, has been hired by their aunt and uncle to find the boys so they can adopt Bo.
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